Get Involved.
Youth Camp
Backpack Program
Nursing Home
Bible Bowl
Christmas Baskets
Care Bags
Meals on Wheels
Jail Ministry
Get Involved
Youth Camp
Each summer Water Street hosts a 3-day camp for kids from 8 to 16 years old. It’s a great time for our youth to spend quality time with one another while learning about God. Camp usually runs from Friday to Sunday in late May or early June. The cost is $50 per child and financial assistance is available.

Bible Bowl
The Bible Bowl is a huge gathering of youth from congregations all over Tennessee. Every September, we take a team our youth to the Tennessee Tech campus in Cookeville, TN to participate in this fun and educational game. The Bible Bowl is a multiple-choice question and answer game that tests your knowledge of the Bible. It is open for kids grade 12 and under. There are plenty of opportunities for adults to help keep score as well. Email us for more information.
Meals On Wheels
The Meals on Wheels program is one of the longest running programs at Water Street. Each Thursday at 11:00 we deliver meals to those in the Charlotte community that are in need. We always need extra folks to help deliver meals, so if you are interested please contact us.

Dickson County Backpack Program
The Backpack Program started with a few ladies and teachers from our congregation and the community with a goal to meet the needs of a few children that had a hard time getting all the school supplies that they needed to start the year. Over the years, with the help of lots of people from our great county, this effort has grown to help hundreds of kids all across Dickson. This program usually takes place the weekend prior to school starting, and supplies are distributed from the portable buildings on the east side of Dickson Middle School. Vouchers for participation are available from any Dickson County school or you can get one on site when you show up.
Christmas Baskets
The Christmas Food Basket program has been going on so long, that no one really knows exactly when it started. Each year members of our congregation gather to distribute food to those who are in need. Our members bring in canned goods all year long and place them in a stockpile until they are ready to be divided up and given away. Members also sign up to buy and deliver gifts for children and people in the nursing homes.

Jail Ministry
The Dickson County Jail is always in need of basic items for inmates. Our members donate socks, and t-shits along with soft back Bibles for use in the jail. Many of these items must meet certain criteria, so please contact us before purchasing anything for donation.
Nursing Home
On the last Sunday of every month immediately after morning services, we distribute small gift baskets containing toiletries, socks, and reading materials to residents of the nursing homes. We try to reach out specifically to those who may not get regular visitors.

Care Bags
Several of our industrious members decided to make up care bags containing basic toiletries, a bible, water, and blankets to give to those who are homeless. These bags are kept in the foyer of the building and we encourage those who commute to keep one of these bags with them in their vehicle so they are prepared when they meet someone who may benefit from this program